Say NO to a Sturgeon Farm in Melrose, Florida | |||||||||||||
This is a page of information regarding the Canadian company "Little Big Sturgeon Inc." which has filed for a consumptive use permit [CUP] to pump .250 million gallons of water a day from the Floridan Aquifer... for twenty years. Here's the short story...
Factor in the water crisis Florida is in and potential pollution from hormones & antibiotics used in fish farming....?? The final decision lies in the hands of Kirby Green, Director of the Water Management District. Let Mr. Green know how you feel about this. (386)329-4262 or write him: St. Johns River Water Management District
If you'd like to leave comments on the YouTube site, go here:
This is a follow up to "Aquifer Safe & Sound" with Kids singing to Kirby Green. If you'd like to leave comments on the YouTube site, go here: A couple of new songs to get the word out! "Aquifer Safe & Sound" ...or... "Talkin' the Sturgeon Farm Massacree Blues" "Sturgeon Farm Massacree Talkin' Blues" - Lyrics: David Beede's talking blues tells a good bit of the tale [assisted by the "Morbid Pumpernickle Choir."] Listen online or right click to save. "SAY NO!" - Lyrics: David Beede and a bunch of enthusiastic water conscious kids serenade Kirby Green, SayNoInternet.mp3 Listen online or right click to save. Floridas available water supply will Quote from Water Management District web site. Little Big Sturgeon Inc. permit # 2-107-119244-1 Cunsumptive Use Permit to pump 250,000 gal/day from aquifer. To gain access to all documents on file regarding this permit application go here. Input "Sturgeon" in the Project name search field and select Putnam County from the menu. Here is a link to the "Public input" form on the Water Management's web site. You can ask to be notified re: any future action on the application. Contact info re: Kirby Green and the Water Management District: Kirby B. Green III Executive Director (Mr. Green makes the decision on this permit.) St. Johns River Water Management District Kirby Green's Email address: Kirby Green's phone: (386)329-4262 Physical Adress: 4049 Reid St., Palatka, FL 32177 Contact numbers for the district:
(386) 329-4500 (800) 451-7106 General Email address: Case reviewers: Todd Eller (386) 329-4210 Claire Muirhead (386)329-4205 Cecil Slaughter (386)312-2326 From Tom Lucas' Melrose Blog: The Melrose Water Association engaged an enviromental engineering firm, Water & Air Research, Inc. to review the application of the Little Big Sturgeon (LBS) Farm. The purpose of the review was to indentify enviromental concerns associated with the siting, constructing, and operating of the proposed facility. Their findings are summarized in their report to Melrose Water Association as of February 17, 2010. A brief quote from the report, The St. Johns River Water Management District has asked repeatedly since the LBS filing for information relative to the stormwater and wastewater plans for this facility. They have been continually rebuked by the applicant; LBS citing their permit approval with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services does not require them to respond. Your Water Association membership should be very concerned about this lack of transparency and unwillingness to address stormwater and wastewater systems and their impact on the waters of Florida. The entire report can be read on-line at: or downloaded by clicking here . Heres an independent study which indicates this proposed venture will potentally have an adverse impact on our natural resources, specifically our water. An information page on Kirby Green at the Water Management District web site. A link to a PDF of the flyer at the tope of the page - print back & front and cut into 4 flyers.
Water Management District Headquarters in Palatka February 25th. | ||||||||||||