Our beloved dog Mocha has left us...

 Despite the skilled efforts of the good folks at the UF Vet School, Mocha's valiant bout with a very aggressive cancer ended with her taking her last breaths in Julie's and my arms.

So begins the next phase of her journey back to stardust. If there were any justice in the universe beings like Mocha would live to be a hundred, still we feel honored to have shared 11 years with her.

In her brief romp on the planet Mocha brought light and laughter to countless folks, from toddlers to elders, from Florida to Maine. Mocha was fortunate to live on Lake Swan in Melrose, FL with her two fairly well trained humans in a friendly neighborhood filled with furry four legged friends of both the canine and feline persuasion.


Mocha's motto in life was

"Everyone loves Mocha,"

and if they didn't they would eventually.




When she wasn't inspiring or co-writing songs, or persuading mute Alzheimer's patients to chat with her, Mocha spent her days napping, eating, cuddling, romping, swimming, floating on her raft and running like the wind for the pure joy of it.


We knew at the start of our friendship we were headed for a slow motion collision with heartbreak, so now there is a Mocha shaped hole in our universe and we miss her deeply.

Thanks to all our friends for sharing photos and stories to help us celebrate Mocha's life.


Click this image to see Mocha celebrating being in a dog body, a few weeks before she got sick.


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