Daydream 3:51

guitar & vocals -David Beede

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This is about dreaming of building boats, and also about one of my boat designs by the same name. It a "four sheeter" meaning you can build her with 4 sheets of plywood. She was motivated by a "least cuts boat" design challenge that was birthed by a bunch of crazy amateur boat designers I know. The original idea was a couple of buddies could pick up some plywood and put her together in a day. You can see the plans here. Also pictures from a fellow who put one together in S. Africa in 22 hours with his nephews using a hand saw! Three lads  in Ireland put one together in 8 hours! No pictures from them yet.

Daydreamby David Beede March 21, 2005 - Melrose  Florida

As a kid I would lay on the bank in the grass

Gazing at fluffy white clouds sailing past

Dreaming that someday before I was grown

I just might build a sailboat of my own… yes a…CHORUS:


Daydream – just glue up & nail her.

Daydream – just rig up & sail her.

She’ll get you on the water and get you back home

If you’ve dreamt of building a boat of your own

Your daydream could sail you away.


To build her ain’t magic to build her ain’t hard

Down in your basement or out in your yard

Don’t need many tools and don’t take much skill

A little bitty dream and a little bit of will… to build… CHORUS:


A small stack of wood and some time’s all you need

She’s built for pleasure but still makes some speed

She’ll get you on the water and get you there fast

She won’t come in first but she won’t come in last…not my.. CHORUS:


Four sheets of plywood some glue and some nails

2 by 4 masts and some poly tarp sails

A few days of sweat and 2 coats of paint

She is what she is and she ain’t what she ain’t… she’s my…. CHORUS:


If you can saw to a chalk line and spread you some glue

Tighten a clamp and turn in a screw

You’ll have a daydream by the time you get through

Now all you need is your favorite crew… for your… CHORUS:


When white caps start showing tie a reef in her sails

Climb to her high side as she dips her rail

Her leeboard just pivots if you run her aground

Sittin’ on her marks she floats one thousand pounds… that’s my CHORUS:


Many boats are made of wood, sweat and glue

There ain’t no magic professionals do

Life it is not some spectator sport

You do not have to know starboard from port… to build… CHORUS:


Eventually all the music on my site will be freely downloadable. It's my version of online busking. I started my musical life playing in the streets, from New Orleans to Maine, and from the streets of Dublin to the Paris underground. The crowds that gathered were drawn to the music and what they tossed in the case was completely voluntary. Thanks for participating in an age old tradition.
To "toss something in the case", just click on the PayPal button
Don't be confused by my business name - "Creative Life Management"

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